Sunday, January 7, 2024

2018 Photographic Society Show

The Annual North County Photographic Society Show (NCPS) is up at the Community Room within the Encinitas Library. I'm very happy to have two framed photographs in this show of over 80 images.

End of the Film Era (updated)

The famous 6th St. Viaduct Bridge information:
The 6th Street Viaduct was a monolithic bridge connecting cultures in cosmopolitan Los Angeles. It has also been a landmark representing love, drama, and death in films and photographs. The bridge is dismantled now, but was passed by commuters and travelers for decades, many of whom had reverent knowledge of this structure and its significance to Los Angeles history. The 6th St. replacement pedestrian bridge is a wonder. More info: Hollywood film history for the 6th Street Bridge.

Go Fetch
Push, pull camera action with extended shutter speed.